SHF Dragon Ball Kami Sama Custom 龍珠 天神 改造

SHF Dragon Ball Kami Sama Custom 龍珠 天神 改造

price: WCF Kami Sama 107.3 hkd, Clothes 135.44 hkd, SHF Piccolo Super Hero (sh) 168 hkd, priceless 3d Print adaptor and crutch

the idea came when i saw the sale of kami clothes on taobao (shangi) and wcf kami released
also there was a share from fb groups about the kami custom
that custom used the piccolo daimaoh, king piccolo as body
but i think thats too big
and there was a piccolo sh released from bandai with a cheaper price later

so i tried to collect the above materials
the last one, 3d print adaptor received few days ago
i started to custom the kami
here are the steps of the custom
1. cut the head out from the wcf kami sama
2. dress up the piccolo sh with the gown and cape
3. put the adaptor to the neck joint
4. expand the hole on wcf head to fit the size of the custom adaptor
5. paint the crutch with Vallejo AV brown

custom completed🙏🏻

thx for reading🤝🏻


而最後的3d print轉接器及手扙在幾天前收到

1. 切下wcf天神的頭部
2. 給shf笛子魔童sh穿上shangi的長袍及披風
3. 安裝3d print的轉接器裝上頸部
4. 擴展wcf頭部的洞到轉接器的大小
5. 將手杖塗上Vallejo AV的啡色




SHF Piccolo Kami Sama
SHF Piccolo Kami Sama
SHF Piccolo Kami Sama
SHF Piccolo Kami Sama
SHF Piccolo Kami Sama
SHF Piccolo Kami Sama
SHF Piccolo Kami Sama
SHF Piccolo Kami Sama
SHF Piccolo Kami Sama
SHF Piccolo Kami Sama
SHF Piccolo Kami Sama
SHF Piccolo Kami Sama
SHF Piccolo Kami Sama
SHF Piccolo Kami Sama
SHF Piccolo Kami Sama
SHF Piccolo Kami Sama