Yujin Cyber Formula Machine Collection Custom 新世紀GPXサイバーフォーミュラ 高智能方程式 超級方程式 閃電霹靂車 盒蛋 改造, Asurada, AKF, CFC, 車仔, Lifting Turn Mode (3)
Yujin Cyber Formula Machine Collection Custom 新世紀GPXサイバーフォーミュラ 高智能方程式 超級方程式 閃電霹靂車 盒蛋 改造, Asurada, AKF, CFC, 車仔, Lifting Turn Mode (3)
price: 39.79 gbp, 398.42 + 27 = 425.42 hkd
i cant imagine that i could buy an almost new one on ebay
and the seller is coming from gb
the condition is good
the current i have dont coming with the boxes
so this is valuable
thx for reading🤝🏻
而且這個是有盒, 我的那個是有是沒有盒的
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price: 39.79 gbp, 398.42 + 27 = 425.42 hkd
i cant imagine that i could buy an almost new one on ebay
and the seller is coming from gb
the condition is good
the current i have dont coming with the boxes
so this is valuable
thx for reading🤝🏻
而且這個是有盒, 我的那個是有是沒有盒的
###ù 多謝閱覽🤝🏻