Kong Studio SHF Dragon Ball Vegeta Ssj3 and Ultra Ego Pack Kong模 SHF 龍珠 比達 超級撒亞人3 及 我儘之極意 版本

Kong Studio SHF Dragon Ball Vegeta Ssj3 and Ultra Ego Pack Kong模 SHF 龍珠 比達 超級撒亞人3 及 我儘之極意 版本超3 我儘の極意

price: 416 rmb
delivery: 25 hkd
total: 541 hkd

previously, the kong studio released two vegeta shf size figures, one is ssj3 and another is ultra ego (ue)
however, the total price of buying these two figures are too expensive for me
so i gaveup the purchase immediately
and after few weeks, kong studio announced the ssj3 and ultra ego (ue) pack

in this pack, the ue hair piece and faces are bundled with the original ssj3 pack
as a result, we dont need to buy the ultra ego version if we just need the ue hair piece
i do like the design about the face swapping on the ssj3 and ue hair pieces

there are 3 faces for ssj3 and 4 faces for ue

the ssj3 vegeta can be standing without the stand, the balance of this figure is good
also the waist is bulky and stronger than original shf majin vegeta
the overall balance is looking good, the articulation is ok
although the neck joint is changed to one peg which is different with shf ver
kong studio was doing a very good jobs

if you are interested with this, you can check out this from taobao or 5ktoys.com for more details

thx for reading🤝🏻

之前, kong模發售了比達 超級撒亞人3 及 我儘之極意 的shf大小可動玩偶
但兩隻的價格實在比較高, 所以已經果斷放棄
又在幾星期後, kong模發佈了比達 超級撒亞人3 及 我儘之極意 的二合一特別版

在這特別版中, 會有超3做主體及我儘之極意頭髮包(連面相)
另外kong模的換面設計真的十分好, 我個人十分喜歡


腰部也造成有肌肉感, 比shf的更壯
總體來說看來不錯, 關節是都可以
盡管頸部的關節改了做不可動, 和shf的版本不一樣

如果你有興趣, 可以去淘寶或5ktoys看看

