SHM SHMonsterArts Mechagodzilla From Godzilla Vs Kong 機械哥斯拉 哥斯拉大戰金剛 SHM メカゴジラ
price: 1099 hkd
received the shm mechagodzill few days before and play it during the new year eva
there is a report from taiwan player about the hand joints are easy to break
therefore i added the silicone oil to all joints
basically the articulation is tight specially the adaptor between body and tail
besides, i also expand the hole size of the wrists, total 4 to mold😭
to be honest, this is an over 14 thousand yen product, moving fingers are expected instead of exchangable hands... sad and need to accept...
the paint is ok, silver but not shiny
it will be better if more little red can be added as details
two more areas i think could be improving the figure
first, the neck, if the angle can be larger the energy will be more powerful
second, there is no waist articulation in this mechagozilla... more poses can try if it exists
thx for reading🤝🏻
所以全隻關節位都落左雪油(遙控車, 塑膠專用)
條尾同身果個位一定要落, 未落前實到我以為扭斷, 出卡卡聲
另外手腕接口用筆刀cut大少少少少, 令到換手容易d
但bandai最後交出黎係換手, 我自己除左無奈接受都無法
上色幾銀, 但唔令的, 如果可以多d其他顏色(紅色)點綴下會可靚d
第一係條頸拉唔直, 無法做到向上怒吼
第二係無腰, 完全無腰, 擺pose要就得好犀利
不過我無之前果隻playmates, 無得比較
price: 1099 hkd
received the shm mechagodzill few days before and play it during the new year eva
there is a report from taiwan player about the hand joints are easy to break
therefore i added the silicone oil to all joints
basically the articulation is tight specially the adaptor between body and tail
besides, i also expand the hole size of the wrists, total 4 to mold😭
to be honest, this is an over 14 thousand yen product, moving fingers are expected instead of exchangable hands... sad and need to accept...
the paint is ok, silver but not shiny
it will be better if more little red can be added as details
two more areas i think could be improving the figure
first, the neck, if the angle can be larger the energy will be more powerful
second, there is no waist articulation in this mechagozilla... more poses can try if it exists
thx for reading🤝🏻
所以全隻關節位都落左雪油(遙控車, 塑膠專用)
條尾同身果個位一定要落, 未落前實到我以為扭斷, 出卡卡聲
另外手腕接口用筆刀cut大少少少少, 令到換手容易d
但bandai最後交出黎係換手, 我自己除左無奈接受都無法
上色幾銀, 但唔令的, 如果可以多d其他顏色(紅色)點綴下會可靚d
第一係條頸拉唔直, 無法做到向上怒吼
第二係無腰, 完全無腰, 擺pose要就得好犀利
不過我無之前果隻playmates, 無得比較