Kaiyodo Takeyashiki Jizai Okimono Dragon Long Body Full Color 山口式 タケヤ式自在置物 龍(りゅう) 着彩 連長版 WF2016
retail price: 10800 yen
auction price: 1188 hkd
this is wf 2016 (Wonder Festival) special version of kt-004, the code is ktex-02
this length of ktex-002 is 1.5 times than original
so i think this one can show more traditional style than original ver
this is full color ver and there is a kt-003 which is metal black
eyes, tongue are movable
the painting is good, i bought in 2016 and now is 2022, the condition is still good
but there are also bad things, since the dragon is like a snake
therefore the no of parts are more than i expected
over 17 sets of parts and each set comes with two or more nodes, the ordering is also important
and the joints of revoltech are tight, hard to twist
so playing it is very annoying for the parts keep dropping
finally, using a hour to pose and the result is good
thx for reading🤝🏻
這是kt-004的wf 2016 (Wonder Festival)特別版, 編號是ktex-02
及這是着彩版本, 即彩色版, kt-003是黑鐵色的
上色十分漂亮, 我是2016年購入, 現在是2022年, 狀態還十分好
但都有不好的地方, 由於龍很像蛇
超過17組, 每組還至少有兩節, 又排列的次序十分重要
及山口的關節很緊, 十分難扭動
把玩起來十分棘手, 時常跌件, 令人煩躁
最後花了多多於一個小時去組裝, 不過真的十分美, 很有神韻
retail price: 10800 yen
auction price: 1188 hkd
this is wf 2016 (Wonder Festival) special version of kt-004, the code is ktex-02
this length of ktex-002 is 1.5 times than original
so i think this one can show more traditional style than original ver
this is full color ver and there is a kt-003 which is metal black
eyes, tongue are movable
the painting is good, i bought in 2016 and now is 2022, the condition is still good
but there are also bad things, since the dragon is like a snake
therefore the no of parts are more than i expected
over 17 sets of parts and each set comes with two or more nodes, the ordering is also important
and the joints of revoltech are tight, hard to twist
so playing it is very annoying for the parts keep dropping
finally, using a hour to pose and the result is good
thx for reading🤝🏻
這是kt-004的wf 2016 (Wonder Festival)特別版, 編號是ktex-02
及這是着彩版本, 即彩色版, kt-003是黑鐵色的
上色十分漂亮, 我是2016年購入, 現在是2022年, 狀態還十分好
但都有不好的地方, 由於龍很像蛇
超過17組, 每組還至少有兩節, 又排列的次序十分重要
及山口的關節很緊, 十分難扭動
把玩起來十分棘手, 時常跌件, 令人煩躁
最後花了多多於一個小時去組裝, 不過真的十分美, 很有神韻