Yujin Cyber Formula Machine Collection Vol 1 and Vol 2 新世紀GPXサイバーフォーミュラ 高智能方程式 超級方程式 閃電霹靂車 盒蛋 Vol 1 及 Vol 2, Asurada, AKF, CFC, 車仔

Yujin Cyber Formula Machine Collection Vol 1 and Vol 2 新世紀GPXサイバーフォーミュラ 高智能方程式 超級方程式 閃電霹靂車 盒蛋 Vol 1 及 Vol 2, Asurada, AKF, CFC, 車仔

price: 560 hkd

no more cms corporation again, this series was produced by another manufacturer yujin
yujin cyber formula machine collection vol 1 and vol 2 which released in jan, 2006
(https://www.flickr.com/photos/rainyctt2710jp/988844614 , https://www.flickr.com/photos/rainyctt2710jp/987991995)

total 2 types
each type contains a small character figire and a racing car (both are akf-0/g)

v-Asurada AKF-0/G No 1 (by different waterslide decal)
v-Asurada AKF-0/G No 9 (by different waterslide decal)

thx for reading🤝

不再是cms corporation, 這系列是由另一間生產商yujin出品的
yujin cyber formula machine collection vol 1 and vol 2 發售於2006年1月
(https://www.flickr.com/photos/rainyctt2710jp/988844614 , https://www.flickr.com/photos/rainyctt2710jp/987991995)

每一款都是一個角色景品及一輛賽車 (都是akf-0/g)

v-Asurada AKF-0/G No 1 (以不同的水貼顯示)
v-Asurada AKF-0/G No 9 (以不同的水貼顯示)



Racing machines

v-Asurada AKF-0/G

Boxart from internet
