SHF Naruto Namikaze Minato Custom 火影忍者/狐忍 波風水門/波風皆人 改造, SHF Minato, SHF Kakashi

SHF Naruto Namikaze Minato Custom 火影忍者/狐忍 波風水門/波風皆人 改造, SHF Minato, SHF Kakashi

shf kakashi prize: 500 hkd
shf namikaze minato: 415 hkd

i have this idea for a long time
becoz i really dont like the design of the shf minato hip joint
the shf kakashi is using 2.0 but minato just goes backward to 1.0...
and also the cape is too large and cant move
finally i bought the second hand shf kakashi on monday and started the custom

after the checking and study, the neck, front arms and hands are different system between minato and kakashi
there are many references from ig and fb that ppl reusing the minato front arms and wrists
so the neck is main challenge for the whole custom
i decided to mold the neck by myself and actually it is not difficult
after that i tested the exchange of front arms but there is a color issue
becoz minato front arms are grey and the shoulders of kakashi is dark blue
if i need to repaint, then i decided to custom the kakashi front arms to minato style

and here are the detail steps
a) neck
1. use the mcdonald straw and putty to mold the neck
2. drill the hold for the pegs from head and body
3. use the masking tape to wrap the neck and mold the cloth by putty

b) front arms/lower arms
1. cut away the protrudent part
2. fill the putty to make the long sleeves
3. mold the ropes that tying on the arms

c) waist bag (referring to comic and anime, no waist bag for minato)
1. use the hot water to heat up the glue and detach it

d) paint (bracket is the ratio)
1. neck - mr color 39 (1), 111 (4), 112 (3~4)
39 - Dark Yellow / Sandy Yellow
111 - Character Flesh 1
112 - Character Flesh 2

2. front arms - mr color 6 (1), 92 (3), 110 (4~5)
6 - Green
92 - Semi Gross Black
110 - Character Blue

3. finally spraying the parts with mr super clear uv cut flat

thx for reading🤝🏻

明明卡卡西已經用了 2.0 的設計, 但波風倒退回 1.0...
另外還有披風是一個十分大的問題, 硬膠不可動...

經過檢查及研究後, 頸, 前臂及手是兩個不同的結構, 不能簡單直換
但前臂及手在 ig 及 fb 有很多參考, 所以主要問題是頸
有見及此, 我決定自製肉頸來解決問題, 肉頸製作其實很容易
是可以的, 但會有色差問題, 波風的前臂是灰色及卡卡西的膊頭是黑藍色
如果最後都要重塗的話, 我選擇了改造卡卡西的前臂再重塗

a) 肉頸
1. 用麥當勞的飲管加畢地去造出肉頸
2. 之前用手鑽在上下鑽出給頭及身體用的洞
3. 用遮蓋膠紙包好做好的頸再在上面用畢地造出衣領效果

b) 前臂
1. 批走突出的部份
2. 填上畢地去製作長袖
3. 再搓出繩去模擬綁上繩的造型

c) 腰包 (根據設定波風沒有腰包)
1. 用熱水加熱就可以拆下來

d) 上色/塗裝 (括號內是比例)
1. 肉頸 - 郡士 mr color 39 (1), 111 (4), 112 (3~4)
39 - 暗黃 / 沙黃 Dark Yellow / Sandy Yellow
111 - 人形肉色1 Character Flesh 1
112 - 人形肉色2 Character Flesh 2

2. 前臂 - 郡士 mr color 6 (1), 92 (3), 110 (4~5)
6 - 綠 Green
92 - 半光澤黑 Semi Gross Black
110 - 人形藍 Character Blue

3. 最後噴上消光 mr super clear uv cut flat



