McModel 模魂真悟 魔神英雄傳 邪戰角 魂之座 Mashin Evil Battle Angel

McModel 模魂真悟 魔神英雄傳 邪戰角 魂之座 Mashin Evil Battle Angel

price: 128 rmb + 27 hkd

係睇緊gundam build drive既時候終於有衝動去砌
當然加上因為nxedge style邪戰角終於出左
其實當年robot魂係有版的, 但最後出唔成
變左係nxedge style條line
但正如之前咁講, 唔會買nxedge style🙈

講返呢盒模型, 比想像中好
但下盤扣唔實, 最後亂咁加d野去令佢咬得實d
另外做左d分件改造, 雖然都應該唔會上色🤣

1. 用uv膠加高pc關節, 加高其中一邊的檔板
2. 剪走鬼面後面用來扣住上身的位置, 改成插入式
3. 剪走面部頂上突出的位置, 改成插入式
4. 用畢地整一個腹部件去承托上半身

即砌好之後係只有做遮蓋, 不能分件
但我只改了上面幾項, 其他都不做了😗


this model i bought a year ago
finally made it becoz of watching gundam build drive
and the nexedge style evil battle angle released
there was a robot spirity sample ago but the line finally discountined and switched to nxedge style
as said before, i wont buy the nxedge style

i just did following to the model
1. use the uv glue to strengthen the joint
2. cut away a part from the buckle of the body, change to injection
3. cut away the hook of the face, change to injection
4. use the putty build a waist to hold the chest

the others should be using the masking tape to handle in the future😗

thx for reading🤝🏻


