Jurassic World Amber Collection Velociraptor (Blue) 侏羅紀世界 速龍 (藍)

Jurassic World Amber Collection Velociraptor (Blue) 侏羅紀世界 速龍 (藍)

price: 29.99 usd each

a new series of dinosaurs from jurassic world
the mobility, painting and details are better than other series

this is 1/12 scale which can act like a vehicle
they are so good👍🏻

thx for reading🤝🏻

amber collection 的侏羅紀世界的速龍
這系列的可動, 上色及細節都比之前系列更好

這幾隻是1/12比例, 可以當作載具




