Vmytoy ML Marvel Legends Marvel Iron Man Whiplash Custom 鞭狂 改造

Vmytoy ML Marvel Legends Marvel Iron Man Whiplash Custom 鞭狂 改造

custom body: 565 hkd
head sculpt: 44 + 267 hkd

vmytoy: https://www.facebook.com/Vmytoy-294510131203660/

thanks for vmytoy for making this body
actually i bought the head sculpt from others and wondering how to make the whiplash body
and then vmytoy announced their whiplash
dont know there will be official released of whiplash by ml or shf or not
but the vmytoy ver is good choice for those want to complete their iron man collection👍🏻

thx for reading🤝🏻

感謝 vmytoy 製作這個鞭狂素体
頭雕是之前在淘寶購買的, 正在煩惱怎樣製作素体時




