ML Marvel Legends Marvel Mysterio Quentin Beck 神秘客 昆汀 貝克

ML Marvel Legends Marvel Mysterio Quentin Beck 神秘客 昆汀 貝克

price: 290 hkd
head sculpt@方大头: 45 + 12 rmb
painting@英雄: 200 + 100 rmb


after watching the trailer of the spider man far from home (ffh)
i just cant get rid of having a mysterio for my toy collection
it is lucky that i got a reasonable price ml mysterio before the movie in theater
and then ig@giant_head announced that he would release the quentin beck head sculpt
finally got the help from ig@tin070 for the head sculpt and painting

now let me share my mysterio quentin beck to u

thx for reading😁

睇完蜘蛛俠 trailer 之後就好想要返隻 mysterio
不過一直搵唔到啱價, 最後係套戲上之前買到, 實在好
跟住仲要方大头會出 quentin beck 白模, 即 jake gyllenhaal
果然 jake gyllenhaal 係勁, 一陣個白模就賣晒
最後係英雄幫忙下, 可以手入到呢個頭雕


