ML Rescue Armor Mk49 Custom 救援裝甲 Mk49 改造

ML Rescue Armor Mk49 Custom 救援裝甲 Mk49 改造

price: 1098 hkd (full wave)


becoz dont know there will have rescue armor in shf series or not
then the ml ver must be collected
and basically this one is quite ok but the neck is a little bit long
therefore i used the 7mm drill bit to make the joint deeper
and the result is acceptable
moreover the ml ver does not provide enough hands for posing
i bought another ml to repaint the hands
using the gundam marker gm19 and mr super clear for coating

thx for watch

因為唔知shf會唔會出rescue armor, 所以ml ver一定要買
基本上呢隻都幾好, 唯獨頸太長
所以用左7mm 鑽咀鑽深少少 (參考其他師兄的做法 @My Dream Toy Studio), 效果都可以
另外ml ver係唔夠手型, 所以逼住買對手黎油
用左gundam marker gm19, 隻色都幾夾
之後噴返mr super clear

@My Dream Toy Studio


