SHF Iron Man Mk85 鐵甲奇俠 Mk85

SHF Iron Man Mk85 鐵甲奇俠 Mk85

price: 640 hkd


this is the last model of iron man in marvel mcu
but no worry, i think shf will continue to release the models that have been shown in the movie, iron man 3
the mark 85 has a simular shape of mark 50, but much firmer, stronger
overall outlook is good, but some negative reviews about the qc
fortunately, my one is acceptable
besides, using the head sculpt that repainted by 湯燕榮 from idlefish (閑魚) in china
the scene of the last fight with thanos could be completely restored
btw, the head sculpt basically is a resized mold of hot toys ver

呢個係 marvel mcu 裡面最後一隻 iron man
同 mark 50 非常相似, 但更強更壯
從其他朋友中得知, qc比較差
我自己呢隻還好, 暫時無乜問題
最後呢個頭雕應該係縮hot toys的

