SHF Iron Man Mk50 Nano Weapon Set 2 鐵甲奇俠 Mk50 納米武器 2

SHF Iron Man Mk50 Nano Weapon Set 2 鐵甲奇俠 Mk50 納米武器 2

price: 699 hkd


actually this is a very good figure, if we ignore the movie setting
the overall finishing is very good, the army exchange system is impressing me
however I would say that I won't convert this back to the original mk50
because some parts are little bit thick after the exchange and this affects the movability
the new nano parts are just the gimmick, they dont look good
anyway, this is still a mk50 i like and the pose of cannon is awesome

呢隻係一隻非常之好嘅figure, 如果無視電影嘅設定
整體嚟講完成度十分之高, 新嘅換甲功能非常之好
不過玩甲之後有d地方過厚, 所以可動有影響
新嘅nano parts其實真係唔係好得
砌咗上去後我都即刻拆返, 相都冇影
但總括而言呢隻都係好既mk50, 出map炮既樣係得既

