SHF Dragon Ball Future Trunks 2.0 Vest Style Custom 龍珠 未來 杜拉格斯 2.0 背心 造型 改造

SHF Dragon Ball Future Trunks 2.0 Vest Style Custom 龍珠 未來 杜拉格斯 2.0 背心 造型 改造

SHF 魔人比達 Majin Vegeta: 650 hkd
SHF TP 時空巡邏員 Time Patroller: 300 hkd


改呢隻真心成本高, 壓力好大

1. 將魔人比達 (魔比) 拆開, 要頸, 上半身及手臂
2. 將TP拆開, 要頸上ball joint (頸joint), 腰帶及下半身, 不用改造
3. 將魔比頸拆出及移除連接頭的ball joint
4. 用手鑽配小鑽咀鑽穿上面ball joint連接部份, 因為TP的頸joint接口較魔比的長
5. 將魔比頸浸一浸熱水再暴力插入TP頸joint到底

#6 不用, refer to 第 5 篇 (Cont. 5)
XXXXX 6. 將魔比腰下方cut走約1mm~1.5mm, 因為魔比腰內的接口高過TP下半身上方的joint柱 (再整的話呢part要諗過好d既方法) XXXXX

7. 批走魔比腰下方兩邊斜位 (再整的話未必會再用呢個方法, 可能自己造返條腰帶仲好)
8. 將TP腰帶偷薄, 同魔比腰互夾, 批到可以套上魔比腰
9. 套上後可以試組, 如無問題可將魔比雙臂拆出及浸熱水, 拆除前臂
10. 換上之前預備的悟空前臂, 因為悟空前臂兩邊肌肉強大, 所以要批走及打磨令比例舒服一點
11. cut走悟空前臂的上部份約1mm令到手臂唔會同上臂頂位
12. 再cut走下面1mm左右, 令到前臂同魔比原裝的是差唔多大小
13. 可以幫魔比上半身上色, 就咁用郡士92半光澤黑

*** 但問題出現了, 膊頭拉出式關節係咁甩油, 結論係有兩個可能性, 1)關節同身體太貼, 導致係咁括漆; 2)關節上coating令到郡士油咬唔住
針對呢兩個問題, 分別做左以下處理, 1)將整個膊頭接口位置全部擴大, 大約0.1mm到0.5mm, 就咁用筆刀批; 2)將上半身全件浸係99%消毒酒精, 大約個零鐘, 但會洗走原本件上既顏色

14. 做完以上部份就重新上黑色 (92), 領口顏色 (51, 111溝埋)
15. 乾左再噴消光, 用乾粉彩救一救領口肉色 (因為51, 111出黎太死, 依家諗返應該要加埋112先啱), 再噴消光
16. 完成


customizing this one is under the pressure because of the cost
previously, i still cant figure out how to modify the forearms
and during the whole process, unexpected issue happened
but finally it was completed and has satisfied one of my wish

here are the customization steps
1. majin vegeta (mj) parts are required, i.e. neck, torso, arms
2. time patroller (tp) parts are required, i.e. ball joint on neck, belt, lower body
3. detach the mj neck from body and remove the ball joint
4. use the hand drill to extend the hole for tp's one because tp ver is longer than mj ver
5. use hot water to soft the mj neck and plug the tp joint into it

#6 NO NEED to do this, refer to article 5 (Cont. 5)
XXXXX 6. cut away around 1mm~1.5mm from mj waist lower position, because the waist joint position is a little bit higher than the tp XXXXX

7. cut away two side of mj waist for the tp belt
8. sand the belt to make it can be wore on mj waist
9. use the hot water to make the mj forearms soft and detach them
10. use the forearms from shf goku, sand out the muscle to let them look thinner
11. cut away the upper part around 1mm to fit the connector
12. cut away the lower part around 1mm to make the forearm shorter, otherwise the finish model will like a gibbon
13. use the mr color 92 semi gross black to paint the mj torso

*** but problem happened after repainted
the paint had been scraped by two reasons. 1) the joints are too fit with the body; 2) the original coating of the torso and joints
two fixes were made by expanding the shoulder joint size 1mm and washing away the coating of torso with 99% alcohol, but this will also wash away the original color

14. repaint the torso by mr color 92, muscle near neck by mr color 51, 111 and 112
15. after the paint is ok, use the mr super clear flat to add coating to the torso

the for reading🤝🏻


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SHF Future Trunks
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SHF Future TrunksSHF Future Trunks
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SHF Future TrunksSHF Future Trunks
SHF Future TrunksSHF Future Trunks


SHF Dragon Ball Future Trunks 2.0 Vest Style Custom 龍珠 未來 杜拉格斯 2.0 背心 造型 改造 (Cont. 7)

SHF Dragon Ball Future Trunks 2.0 Vest Style Custom 龍珠 未來 杜拉格斯 2.0 背心 造型 改造 (Cont. 6)

SHF Dragon Ball Future Trunks 2.0 Vest Style Custom 龍珠 未來 杜拉格斯 2.0 背心 造型 改造 (Cont. 5)

SHF Dragon Ball Future Trunks 2.0 Vest Style Custom 龍珠 未來 杜拉格斯 2.0 背心 造型 改造 (Cont. 4)

SHF Dragon Ball Future Trunks 2.0 Vest Style Custom 龍珠 未來 杜拉格斯 2.0 背心 造型 改造 (Cont. 3)

SHF Dragon Ball Future Trunks 2.0 Vest Style Custom 龍珠 未來 杜拉格斯 2.0 背心 造型 改造 (Cont. 2)

SHF Dragon Ball Future Trunks 2.0 Vest Style Custom 龍珠 未來 杜拉格斯 2.0 背心 造型 改造
