SHF Dragon Ball Gogeta 龍珠 格比達

SHF Dragon Ball Gogeta 龍珠 格比達

現價: 499 hkd


唯有含淚付鈔, 之後升跌都唔理了
早買早享受, 遲買可能平返幾舊

講返正題, 2.0真係好fit, 高度外型等都非常好
之前隻1.0 比古洛個人覺得造細左
依家呢隻格比達個 size啱啱好
可惜無黃髮, 希望會有dlc補完


this gogeta is more expensive than i expected
however, i think i will feel bad if cant play during the easter holiday
dont think about the price just enjoy the toy now

the dragon ball series 2.0 is very good
this time the size is good fit, the previous 1.0 vegetto is a little bit smaller than the other 1.0/2.0
but the bad of this is no yellow hair coming with and just one black hair parts
hope that there wil be dlc from the 3 parts

thx for reading🤝🏻


