SHF Dragon Ball Son Gohan 1.0 Custom 龍珠 孫悟飯 1.0 改造 SHF Gohan 3

SHF Dragon Ball Son Gohan 1.0 Custom 龍珠 孫悟飯 1.0 改造 SHF Gohan 3

又係玩舊野時間, 繼續shf孫悟飯1.0
上次油左條腰帶, 今次又強迫症發作, 整走埋d雀斑

toysdaily 一舊仔 師兄教學

只係 toysdaily 師兄用面相筆同棉花棒抹走d斑
我等唔到, 改係掃上thinner後, 直接用牙籤挑/刮走d斑
之後再掃多少少thinner, 先用棉花棒抹走d色


there is a tutorial about how to remove the freckles from gohan teenage ver 1.0

1. thinner
2. artist brush (small size)
3. cotten swab (some)
4. toothpick (some)

1. use the artish brush put some thinner to the freckles area, not the eyes
2. use the toothpick to scrape the freckles paint
3. paint the thinner to the freckles area again and use the cotten swab to clean the face
4. repeat the above steps for 6 faces

job done and real teenage gohan will appear in front of you 👍

thx for reading🤝🏻


