SHF Dragon Ball Goku Awakening Custom 龍珠 孫悟空 超戰士覺醒 改造 SHF Goku 3

SHF Dragon Ball Goku Awakening Custom 龍珠 孫悟空 超戰士覺醒 改造 SHF Goku 3

因為買多幾件藍衫, 所以就剪過件新既

圖一: 上面既橙線係指大約cut咁多
下面既係指cut法, 鋸齒形

圖二: 對摺後再剪領口, 咁就會齊 (粉藍色係剪走既), 橙線係cut法 (*** 不過我呢件我覺得都係剪多左, 記住逐少逐少咁剪就算)

圖三: 為左要令出黎效果貼伏d, 所以個body拆左前面既藍膠, 後面就剪左突出黎既藍膠, 腹肌都cut走突出的部份


藍衫係購自 That Star Handmade
藍髮係購自 Ferrytale Customs


Because few more tee were bought, so i cut the tee again
pic 1: upper orange lines refer to areas we need to cut
lower orange lines refer to the way we cut the tee

pic 2: fold in half the tee in half to cut the neckline
blue lines refer to the part we dont need
orange lines refer to the way we cut

pic 3: cut away the broken part on awakening goku to improve the look and feel of wearing the tee

final is the awakening goku as demo of wearing the blue tee

blue tee bought from That Star Handmade
ssgss hair piece bought from Ferrytale Customs

thx for reading🤝🏻


