SHF Dragon Ball Broly 龍珠 布洛尼 大波蓮

SHF Dragon Ball Broly 龍珠 布洛尼 大波蓮

現價: 1000 hkd


呢隻炒得仲勁過隻格比達, 應該高左350-450
不過又係果個問題, 供求關係
呢兩日 20-21號已經俾出果兩日 18-19 號多左好多二手
維返爭 200-250 左右, 過左復活節後應該會平返
都係果句, 早買早享受, 遲買平幾舊

又講返隻野, 呢隻又係好大隻
差唔多兩隻格比達既高度, 高過shf hulk
關節好實淨, 活動範圍大, 擺pose無難度
另外呢隻我中小sad, 右邊膊頭有個接觸位俾膠水黐住
用完暴力先發現, 好在無斷, 唔係實勁唔開心
總括都係好野, 買左先算🤣


this figure is bigger than shf hulk
but having better movability
the joints are tight, easy to play
this one cannot be missed
so even it is expensive than i expected
i still cant wait🤣

thx for reading🤝🏻


