SHF Dragon Ball Future Trunks 2.0 Neck Adapter Custom 龍珠 未來 杜拉格斯 2.0 頸 連接器 改造 SHF Future Trunks
今次整 adapter, 個人唔太鍾意黑科枝 (blu-tack)
所以通常都會整個 adapter 用黎接駁唔同 joint 既頭
之前 ML 駁 SHF 就飲筒加筆地
但龍珠既唔得, 所以用另一個方法
就係塞廁紙, 但廁紙好快爛
所以加少少步驟就可以造一個 adapter
1. 先用廁紙包住個 joint 頭
2. 再塞入接口位, 等一陣後再拆返出黎
3. 咁樣頭先既廁紙會成左個形
4. 之後落 AA 膠, 不過因為係廁紙
5. 所以乾既時間要再長 d, 大約等半日
6. 之後再掃多浸指甲油等佢無咁脆
7. 咁個 adapter 就完成
*** 但呢個方法只係可以用係細 joint 去大 joint 度
大 joint 返細 joint 暫時就無乜計
I would like to share the custom made adapter for the dragon ball shf, such as ssj trunks (dbz) to future trunks (dbs)
1. We use tissue as the material.
2. Plug the joint with tissue to the target
3. Wait for a moment and then unplug it
4. The shape is formed now and add some super glue to fix the shape
5. Finally we can add some nail polish to protect the adapter
*** This only transforms the small joint to a larger joint without any modification of original parts.
thx for reading🤝🏻
今次整 adapter, 個人唔太鍾意黑科枝 (blu-tack)
所以通常都會整個 adapter 用黎接駁唔同 joint 既頭
之前 ML 駁 SHF 就飲筒加筆地
但龍珠既唔得, 所以用另一個方法
就係塞廁紙, 但廁紙好快爛
所以加少少步驟就可以造一個 adapter
1. 先用廁紙包住個 joint 頭
2. 再塞入接口位, 等一陣後再拆返出黎
3. 咁樣頭先既廁紙會成左個形
4. 之後落 AA 膠, 不過因為係廁紙
5. 所以乾既時間要再長 d, 大約等半日
6. 之後再掃多浸指甲油等佢無咁脆
7. 咁個 adapter 就完成
*** 但呢個方法只係可以用係細 joint 去大 joint 度
大 joint 返細 joint 暫時就無乜計
I would like to share the custom made adapter for the dragon ball shf, such as ssj trunks (dbz) to future trunks (dbs)
1. We use tissue as the material.
2. Plug the joint with tissue to the target
3. Wait for a moment and then unplug it
4. The shape is formed now and add some super glue to fix the shape
5. Finally we can add some nail polish to protect the adapter
*** This only transforms the small joint to a larger joint without any modification of original parts.
thx for reading🤝🏻