SHF Dragon Ball Goku 2.0 Android ver Custom 龍珠 孫悟空 2.0 人造人篇 改造

SHF Dragon Ball Goku 2.0 Android Custom 龍珠 孫悟空 2.0 人造人篇 改造

如果想組一隻人造人悟空2.0, 除左有高技術去改ball joint外, 另一個相對簡單既就係行組合技 ($$$)
而組合技既材料就需要一隻超3 2.0, 同一隻地球悟空2.0
1. 將兩個素体浸到剛煲滾既熱水
2. 拆上半身出黎 (浸完會容易d拆)
3. 將拆出黎既上半身再浸剛煲滾既熱水, 然後係仲有少少熱既時候用筆刀將佢分開 (浸完熱水容易d cut開)
4. 拆開後就會得到以下既部件 (參考圖2)
5. 將圖2中綠色圈既地球悟空2.0既胸骨裝落超3 2.0度
6. 地球悟空2.0既胸骨需要作少量既裁剪 (參考圖3)
7. 超3 2.0的前胸部件都要將少量部份cut走 (參考圖4)
8. 安裝時要用超3 2.0既螺絲
9. 最後將分開既胸部用aa膠黐返埋, 咁就得一隻斯路悟空2.0
10. 同樣, 可將超3 2.0既胸骨安裝到地球悟空2.0度, 要做既野會多d d, 不過我唔記得影相😂, 所以無分享

備註, 同地球悟空相比, 覺醒悟空既胸骨相對唔太合適



we could customize the goku 2.0 android ver based on the ssj3 2.0 and goku earth 2.0
Here are the steps
1. use the boiled hot water to make the parts soft
2. detach the upper body, head, neck and arms
3. put the torso into the boiled hot water again and use the pen knife to split the torso
4. refer to pic 2 after the #3 (repeat the step 1~3 for both ssj3 and goku earth
5. put the green circle (goku earth core) in pic 2 to ssj 3 2.0's torso
6. little touch is required for goku earth core during the installation to ssj3 torso (refer to pic 3)
7. ssj3 also requires some refining for the installation (refer to pic 4)
8. use the screw of ssj3 for the installation
9. stick the parts of torso by super glue
10. we can use the above steps to exchange the ssj3 core to goku earth ver, but the refining is different.

ps, compare to the earth ver, the awakening ver does not fit the operation above

thx for reading🤝


SHF GokuSHF GokuSHF GokuSHF GokuSHF GokuSHF Goku